2.2 Fails


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Untitled #57.gif
Shared by Kwiin

We look as we watch Fang epicly fall into his doom in the so called Castle of Eggman.

misaligned textures.gif
Shared by Radicalicious

Sonic gets lmfao'd by the epic chad man from the broken window.

Untitled #2.gif
Shared by Flareguy

Tailsguy dies in the vast depths of the arid canyons.

Shared by Seaballer

Inazuma got tired of living and wished upon himself death as he follows his best buddy Tailsguy to his demise in Arid Canyon.

Untitled Fail #5.gif
Shared by Flareguy

Tailsguy misses his shot only to then again shoot it again and hurt himself!

Shared by Bloops

Sonic falls to a death pit in Black Core Zone Act 2 spinfully.

Untitled Fail #1.gif
Shared by DaJumpJump

Sonic accidentally broke the universe by using his universal BASH birds
to travel pararel universes ahead.

SRB2 Epic FAIL!!.gif
Shared by MissAlrightIsOkay

Sonic breaks a monitor only to discover killingdead is on!

Untitled Fail #1.gif
Shared by DaJumpJump

Tailsguy kills himself with his rocket due to him missing the jump
completely in the bridge of Eggman's castle.

SRB2 Colors Fail.gif
Shared by Flareguy

Sonic accidentally finds himself in Evilflower

SRB2 Blue Mountain Brasonic Fail.gif
Shared by Seaballer

Sonic accidentally fell into toxic waste,
and everything else practically fell into blue
paint, or Sonic's fur who knows anymore.


Shared by Bloops

I wrote a single line incorrectly

ACZ1 Pit Fail #3.gif

Shared by MissAlrightisOkay

The dreaded ACZ1 pit strikes again!


Shared by Bloops


ACZ1 Fail again!.gif

Shared by MissAlrightisOkay

This time the cactus' got me!


Shared by Radicalicious

I forgot to remove the placeholder name


Shared by Bloops

Sonic dies to him being too slow once again. Good night's rest little hedgehog.


Shared by Bloops


there a bunch of fails.gif

Shared by Bloops

Tangle's tail is capable of teleporting - Seaballer

stroke tail fails - DaJumpJump


Shared by Bloops


Shared by Bloops

epic fa;il


Shared by Ivan

epic fail


Shared by Amper

Inazuma got into a really sharp situation


Shared by Bloops

Skip experiences pain for 1 frame. God bless the little boy.


Post more SRB2 Fails to potentially get here! Go to SRB2fails.us.to to see more epic fails!